Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Sketchbook, Snack Break and Dance Party-Games with the 2 Soul Sisters Summer Art Camp

We have learned that by implementing sketchbooks, games, dance parties, and snacks as brain breaks in a summer art camp can infuse creativity, fun, and relaxation into the camp environment. Here's an idea to follow from our plans:

1. Sketchbooks:

  • Daily Sketch Sessions: Allocate dedicated time each day for campers to work on their sketchbooks. Encourage them to experiment with different art mediums, styles, and themes.
  • Guided Sketching Activities: Provide prompts or themes for sketch sessions to spark creativity and help campers explore diverse artistic ideas.
  • Artistic Challenges: Organize occasional sketching challenges or contests to motivate campers and foster friendly competition.

2. Games:

  • Art-Related Games: Introduce games that stimulate creativity and teamwork, such as Pictionary using art-related terms, art charades, or artistic scavenger hunts.
  • Collaborative Art Projects: Plan group activities where campers work together to create collaborative art pieces, encouraging communication and cooperation.

3. Dance Parties:

  • Scheduled Dance Breaks: Incorporate scheduled dance breaks throughout the camp day to energize and uplift spirits. Play a variety of music styles to cater to different tastes.
  • Themed Dance Sessions: Organize themed dance parties related to art styles, cultures, or historical periods, enhancing the educational aspect while making it entertaining.

4. Snack Breaks:

  • Healthy and Creative Snacks: Offer a range of healthy and creative snacks, allowing campers to refuel while also incorporating elements of art. For example, provide fruit sculpting or cookie decorating activities.
  • Social Interaction: Use snack breaks as opportunities for campers to interact, share their artistic experiences, and bond with each other.

5. Integration with Art Activities:

  • Incorporate Games into Art Sessions: Integrate art-related games as part of the creative sessions to break the routine and add a playful element to the learning process.
  • Dance and Art Fusion: Occasionally combine dance movements with art-making activities, encouraging campers to translate dance moves into sketches or paintings.

6. Positive Reinforcement and Inclusivity:

  • Encourage Participation: Offer praise and positive feedback to campers, celebrating their involvement in activities and fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.
  • Embrace Diversity: Ensure that activities cater to diverse interests and abilities, making everyone feel included and valued in the camp community.

Check out the photos below:


By incorporating these elements into the summer art camp schedule, you can create an engaging, dynamic, and enjoyable experience that not only nurtures artistic skills but also encourages camaraderie, creativity, and holistic well-being among campers. Added bonus, 2 Soul Sisters enjoy these activities too!


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