Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Bridal Shower and Hydrangea Bowl

We had the honor of planning a bridal shower for a long time teacher friend's daughter. So, when you are doing a shower for a long time friend and you want to add a special "Art" piece to the event...what do you do? Well, we decided to create a thumbprint bowl with guest from the bridal shower and their hands-on participation. This was a hit. Everyone was able to take part. The cool thing is that many teachers who taught the bride, Caroline, had her do thumbprints a while ago in lower school and even middle school. Now that Caroline is a teacher this will even mean more to her in the years to come.

Huge shout out to all involved in planning such a stellar event. It was a blast. Most of all thank you to everyone that participated in the "thumbprint" activity!

For Art Teacher: We used Stroke n Coat glaze and ordered the bisque from Bisque Imports.

The set up!

The process.

The participation.

The bride with her 3rd grade teacher!

The bride with a good friend's mom / PK teacher and a mentor along with 1969 - her art teacher! Yes, Caroline was that kid that ended up rolling her finger in the slab roller...but that my friends in another post for the blog. I might have to call it Teacher's Kids and their shenanigans - Ha!

Another post could be...what do you do with your teacher's kids on teacher planning days? Well, ours could tell you we had a huge slumber party. The memories are hilarious from fire pits, movies, cooking, gator rides, swimming to just hanging out. - yet, another blog post! It could be titled, "Teacher's Kids the GOOD, the BAD and the Heck yeah...they all turned out OK post"!

 PK teacher along with long time friend in the middle and 1969

This was a quick post to show you how to incorporate something really cool into a bridal shower. These 2 pieces will be used for years to come for the bride and the groom. If you have a friend that is an art teacher, you too could have added piece to a shower like this. Thanks for following. We have always said that this is an Art Education Blog - but this is real life for 1969 and 1965. We like to collaborate  on Art projects and weave them in our everyday lives. Hope this sparks some cool wedding shower ideas for you!

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