Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Zentangled Letters

Zentangle letters was an easy first of year project for 5th Grade.
I gave kids a copy of the alphabet.  The printout had letters bold so kids could easily look and draw. 
Kids used a pencil to draw letters.  I did not let the kids use rulers.  The project was not a "draw the best letter that you ever drew in your life" project.  I just wanted kids to get a decent letter, doodle, and reflect.
Once they got the letter drawn in pencil, they outlined the letter with a sharpie and begin their doodling.
As always, the zentangle project was a very relaxing project for the kids.
I had thought the homeroom teacher would enjoy having these to hang in her room for the first few weeks of school.  I had assumed that the students would use the letter that started their first or last name.  Nope.  I actually had some students that just picked a random letter.  Sometimes you just gotta say, "whatevs" and move on.

Throwback to The Jackson 5 and ABC


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