Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Takashi Murakami Tacos, Rainbows, Jellyfish, Doughnuts, and Dreams!

Takashi Murakami's art is so colorful and fun!  My 5th graders thought so, too!  The kids worked on these for 3 class periods.  They BEGGED me to let them stay late and finish.  If you have got kids begging to finish art, you got a good project.

How did this go down?


Well I showed this Takashi Murakami video.  We have posted on him in the past.  Click HERE for a peak!  

Here is the Takashi Murakami video:

Then, I told the kids I wanted them to come up with something they could draw and put Murakami's eyes and smile on their art.  
They thought and practiced.  
When they had it figured out, they jumped into the project.
They drew and used marker for color.  



Takaski Murakami had a dream in the video.  Here is a song about sweet dreams that I have always liked.


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