Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Art Camp Fun: Bubble Painting with Watercolors!

Welcome to another exciting project that we created during Art Camp! In this lesson, our campers explored the magical world of bubble painting with watercolors using straws. This fun and creative activity allowed us to use straws (instead of paintbrushes or sponges) and cups to make beautiful, colorful art. Let's dive into the bubbly fun we had!

What We Did

We started with simple materials:

  • Watercolor paint
  • Water
  • Bubbles (we purchased at Walmart)
  • Cups
  • Straws
  • Paper

First, we mixed the watercolors with water and a little bit of Bubbles in a bottle into our cups. Each camper picked their favorite colors to use! We had a couple of spills. Campers got creative and mixed colors together to create a multitude to choose from on each table.

Next, the real fun began! We used the straws to blow bubbles into the cups. The bubbles grew and grew until they overflowed onto our papers. It was like blowing bubbles in the bath but even more colorful!

The Process and Experience

This activity was all about the process and the experience of creating art. Each camper got to experiment with different colors and techniques. They saw how the bubbles left unique, beautiful patterns on the paper. It was a joy to see everyone's eyes light up as their artwork came to life.

Personal Touches

We made sure each piece was special by adding the campers' names to their artwork. This way, everyone had a unique creation they could be proud of for this lesson. Some campers even thought ahead and decided to save their bubble paintings for later use, like for a notebook cover. What a great idea!

What We Learned

Bubble painting taught us:

  • How to mix colors and create new shades
  • The fun of experimenting with different techniques
  • Patience and creativity in art-making

Most importantly, we learned that art is about enjoying the process and expressing ourselves. Each camper's artwork was as unique as they are, reflecting their own personality and style.

Final Thoughts

Art Camp is all about having fun and trying new things. Bubble painting with watercolors was a fantastic way to explore creativity and make beautiful art. We can’t wait to see what our campers will create next!

Stay tuned for more art camp adventures! Art is all about having fun and expressing yourself. Keep creating and enjoy the process! Scroll on down for more process photos.

Happy Summer, 1969 and 1965


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