Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Printmaking and Collage Combo!

So how did this come about?  Well, we did printmaking one week.  The next week, we did collage.  Wa-lah!


Make some prints.  Make lots of prints.  Just for fun!  Save the prints.
Next, have kids think about they can incorporate the prints into a collage.  Seriously, this is hard!  I gave little guidance because I wanted them to create without my brain.
I provided any materials that they wanted.  
They all chased rabbits.
They talked to each other about the possibilities.
They got frustrated.
I got frustrated.
I did a lot of encouraging.
But in the end....

I was wowed by these!  Great job to my 6th and 8th graders!  I am very pleased!

After a somewhat stressful project like this, I had a listen to some Grateful Dead.


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