Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Value Scale Art and Painting Rubric

We have a fabulous Upper School Art Teacher at Maclay. I get to see all of the creative projects they do and so do my middle school kids! This lesson was super. It showed so many facets of art. The instructions are located on the Painting Project Rubric.
Lesson Tip: Find a photo, use filters on phone to see how they look.
I was most impressed with this lesson as everyone was successful at creating it. It is nice when you work in an environment and your Visual Arts Team's enthusiasm is contagious to faculty, students and parents. Great job, Kyle and your Upper School  kiddos =)


  1. Excellent Lesson in value and color painting! Did they use tempera or acrylic?

  2. Mostly acrylic, but I think they grabbed some neon tempera paint from middle school art room. Thanks for the feedback. I wish I could have posted all 20 of them!
