Monday, October 19, 2015

Loving Landscapes in 3rd Grade

Landscape Directions:
Kids draw their landscape with pencil.
Kids use black glue to go over the entire pencil landscape. (just add black paint to Elmer's glue)
Kids mixed tints and shades and painted landscapes.  They really enjoyed mixing the paint.  Actually, they enjoyed doing it so much that I almost had to tell them to stop with the mixing.
Then, we had to go back over the glue with black acrylic paint.
Very challenging for 3rd Grade.
It took approximately 3 weeks (Three 50 minute sessions)
The kids actually learned a lot about tints and shades.
They also got to experiment with different types of brushes.

And to think about being high on a mountain top.

Here's Loretta Lynn singing "High on A Mountain Top"



  1. Wow love the landscapes! I'm teaching collage landscapes now inspired by Chillean Arpilleras since it was Hispanic Heritage Month and 70% of my school is Latino. They aren't finished yet. Please stop by my blog which is only 2 minths old at
