Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Clay Birds on a Roof

Here is a pretty easy project!  Clay birds on a roof.  Some look like clay birds on a house.  Some looks like clay birds on a steeple.  

How did it all go down?

Let me say this to begin with, we used Lizella Clay.  It's $12 a box and about 20 minutes from my school in Perry, GA!

Kids made some cubes for the bottom.
Kids made some square based pyramids, but some had a flat top.
Kids made tiny birds.
Kids slipped, scored and blended all the parts.
YOU MUST CHECK their slip, score, and blending because if not done correctly, you will have a bird, a cube, and a square based pyramid!

I fired.

Kids used oil pastels to color.
Kids used watered down black acrylic to give a rustic feel.
I sprayed with gloss.
Kids outlined with paint pens.

Have a LšŸ‘€K!


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

We Love Kyle Brooks’ Ice Cream!

Our inspiration for this art project was from Kyle Brooks!  To see more on Kyle, Click HERE!

Kyle is an artist from Georgia.  You can find his Facebook page by Clicking HERE!  He goes by the name of Blackcattips.

Here is Kyle painting.

Here is Kyle as Bob Ross.

Here is Kyle's ice cream art.

Here is how our Kyle Brooks' Art Projects turned out! 

Kyle is fun.
The project was fun.

All good!



Monday, June 24, 2024

Easy Clay Bunny Project

Need a cute clay project for spring? Well, here you go! A cute little bunny!

How did this go down?

  1. Prep Work:

    • I did a little prep work by cutting 2 slivers of clay for the bunny ears.
    • Then, I cut some clay for the bunny’s face.
  2. Making the Pinch Pot:

    • First, the kids made a pinch pot. It really has to be a small pinch pot because otherwise, the size of the bunny will be very large!
  3. Shaping the Ears:

    • Once they got the pinch pot made, they began to shape the ears.
  4. Attaching the Ears:

    • Then, they began slipping and scoring the ears to the bunny.

This is a great project for kids because it teaches some basic clay principles, and they were all successful!

The Front of the Bunny

The Back of the Bunny



Sunday, June 23, 2024

First Grade Learns About Jeff Koons!

Howdy, folks!  Have you ever noticed that Jeff Koons’ Balloon dog gets all the attention?  I have!  I decided to do a spin off Jeff Koons’ elephant!  If you do not know what I am talking about, look below!

If it would not have been the end of the year, I would have had the first graders put cute ball on the trunk!  In mid May, the kids are spent and basic is best!

How would this project go down?

Depending on the age of the students, I would show a clip of this video about Jeff Koons’ art!

Once the kids have a grasp of what Jeff Koons does, I would use this video as a guide to draw an elephant.  Like I mentioned, this was first grade and the end of the year.  

Have a look at these cute elephants!
