Monday, February 5, 2024

Squeegee Art Making Colorful Magic

This lesson is all about Process Art! What is Process Art? It is an approach to creating art that emphasizes the act of making and the creative journey rather than focusing solely on the end product. In process art, the emphasis is on exploration, experimentation, and the experience of creating, rather than following a predetermined set of instructions to achieve a specific outcome. The final artwork in process art may be unpredictable, and the creative process is often considered as important as, or even more important than, the finished piece.

My objective in this lesson is for students to create vibrant and visually appealing abstract artworks using the squeegee art technique, focusing on the principle of composition while totally submerging in the process of it all. This will help in the understanding that the emphasis is on the creative journey rather than a predetermined outcome.

Materials Needed / Suggested:

·     Acrylic paint in various colors. You can use ink or tempera paint too!

·     Squeegees (one for each student) this is a must!

·     Large sheets of paper or canvas. We use 18 x 24 White paper. Then they were allowed to do a second one their choice of color and size of paper.

·     Palette or disposable plates for mixing paint.

·     Aprons or old shirts for students to wear.

·     Newspapers or plastic sheets to protect work surfaces.

·     Clean up supplies.

How I started this lesson was by beginning to discuss what composition means in art. I used simple language and visuals to explain that composition is how different elements, like colors and shapes, are arranged in an artwork to create a pleasing and balanced effect. Introducing the concept of process art, emphasizing that the focus is on the creative process rather than creating a specific end product. this helps them want to engage in the lesson even more with no fear of failing or not doing a good job.  I share examples of artworks who embraced this concept of process art. I show students the squeegees and briefly explain how they will be using them to create their artwork. We pull up several informative short Youtube videos to watch and take questions. Yes, I will do this lesson again. Scroll below for this classes results!



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