Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Weaving Hearts for Valentine's Day

I LOVE the process and the outcome, but the teacher involvement is overload!  The kids get to use oil pastels, use warm colors, use cool colors, and to do a mini weave lesson.  The project took 3 class periods, but there is a lot of meat to the project.  It was perfect for 5th Grade!  


1-I cut a 9" x 9" sheet of paper.
On this paper the kids used warm oil pastels to color a ❤.
2-I cut a 7" x 9" sheet of paper and the kids used cool oil pastels to color a ❤.
Make sure the kids are coloring the hearts with the 9" length on both ❤.  See example and make extra sure or you will have an extra mess.

3-I cut VERY CAREFULLY on a paper cutter the larger 9" x 9" ❤.  Make sure the cut goes across the ❤.  For me, it took much concentration.

4-I cut the smaller 7" x 9" ❤into 1" strips.
5-The kids started weaving the smaller heart into the larger heart.  They begin the first strip going under, and the next strip going over.


Make sure the kids outline the hearts very dark.  The bigger and bolder the outlined heart in the center, the more the heart pops out on the finished artwork.  MAKE THEM OUTLINE THE HEARTS IN THE CENTER, PLEASE!
Of course, encourage the kids to press down and make the artwork with oil pastel dark.

šŸ’œ, 1965

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Wellness Library "Grab N Go" Art Kits

In a pandemic and during all of the Covid protocols how do you continue on with the Mindfulness and Wellness initiatives? Well, this year Visual Arts have worked with Administration and Guidance to help our community try and find a good balance with in their own lives. We just had to pivot to see what this looked like for our school. We brainstormed together during Quarter One with all of the new changes and had an idea for a Wellness Library! The flyer below is a quick way we have been engaging with our Maclay faculty, staff and students at school. If you are on campus, check it out and grab a Kit!

We are trying to keep our social media up to date!
This is a clip into our past Wellness Days. Take a look at the links below:
Would love to hear your ideas and feedback on what you all might be doing on your campus. Drop us a comment!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Ben Heine Art With My Middle School Class (Would make a great lesson for Distance Learning)

 Have you ever looked at Ben Heine's Art? We did a mini unit on Mr. Heine. Check out our examples. If you aren't familiar with his work, take a looksy here. 

What Ben said about the above link:

Here are some artworks from my Pencil Vs Camera series. In this video, you will see the images with the original scene followed by the final images including creative drawings. I took the photos and made the drawings for all the images. All the original drawings from this series are available for sale (those that are not yet sold). Contact me if you are interested: My Pencil Vs Camera concept combines photography and drawing. The inclusion of a drawing on part of the photo opens the doors to an imaginary and poetic world. I launched this concept in April 2010. All of the creations required almost 5000 hours of work spread over 10 years. These artworks have been exhibited and published widely around the world. This concept is now taught in many schools with which I actively collaborate. Teachers have adopted it to teach their students to stimulate their creativity and encourage them to use new technologies. Other artists have also copied this technique since its invention.

See some of our pieces below:

  Other links for the lesson:

Ben Heine – Pencil Vs Camera 

Ben Heine Facebook

Discover the Art of Ben Heine: Drawing, Painting, Photography, Music, Teaching, Pencil Vs Camera... 

Currently, I am teaching a hybrid model. CVC Concurrent Virtual and Brick and Mortar. This lesson was successful for all involved. My Distance Learning students just emailed me a couple of examples of their finished pieces.

Hope this helps you all better plan during these trying times of Covid 19 Protocols.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Snowmen of the Night

It never snows in Georgia, so we can at least draw and wish!  Maybe we are in a snow drought.  The last really big snow we had was in 1973 when I was 8.  Twenty inches of the white stuff for us folks down South.  We can deal with hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, but snow is a whole different thing.  Honestly, we just do not know what to do with it because we never get practice.  Don't hate!  We are snow dumb, but with good reason.

So how did this project unfold?


Kids drew snowmen with white pencils.
I provided circle tracers for those that needed them.
They painted the snowmen with white tempera paint.
Then, they used Q-Tips to make dots.
The next week, the kids used oil pastels to finish up their snowmen in the night.


šŸ’“, 1965