Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Post Cards made from the Art of The Box design...COTA 2021

Per the post on Friday, I wanted to follow up with another way we made this a one school cross curricular lesson for all involved. Guidance had packets created for all Homerooms. In the packet had activities for each day of the Art of Gratitude. This is what they looked like. I will post the information on that later.
On this particular day, the students were using a postcard that had been printed and stamped with Olivia's design on it. They were able to write a letter / drop a note of gratitude to someone. Stamp was provided by the school. Students were encouraged to color their post cards.
You can see here a group working on their individual designs. One of the reasons that I wanted to post this is because I wanted to share when you collaborate with others on campus in different departments you have no idea where it will take an art lesson. The fact that Besty reached out to us from KCCI and we participated in their community project. Olivia was picked. Then our Advancement office took it a step farther and helped guide us on the Post Card idea. I hope this will spur on some creativity in your work place. You just never know what something like this can turn in to....crazy, right?!?!

Peep, my Dr. Marten sandal from 1965 to 1969 this past Christmas.

This project had many facets that cast a net on several aspects of the vision and mission of our Visual Arts Department. Added bonus family and fiends reaped the rewards of a hand written note that was sent snail mail.

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