Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Slabs with Words and Dodads

This slab project was done by 6th grade.  They are some really talented kids👦👧!  They stuck to it and pressed on.  They loved the challenge...And I LOVE THESE PROJECTS!


The kids decided what word what they wanted to make into clay.
Also, they decided on the details that would go along with their word.
I cut some slabs and used a slab roller to get the correct thickness.  The slabs could not be too thin. The slabs are holding a word.  I would recommend trial and error on the thickness of the slab.
Then, I cut some small slabs approximately 2 inch by 2 inch.  The kids used these slabs to cut out letters.  Having a 2 inch by 2 inch slab REALLY helped the kids👦👧 get the letters correctly cut. The small slab was a great guide for letter size.  Trust💙 me, cut the small slabs.
Basically, they slipped and scored.
The word slabs dried.
The slabs were fired.
The slabs were fired again.


See details below!↓↓↓↓↓

Look at the little horse that Nealy did on her slab.  ↓↓↓↓↓

Remember the song "Wildfire" by Michael Martin Murphey?  The ultimate horse lover song.  I always thought it was kinda slow. 


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