Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Gumball Fire Hydrant WINS!

I was walking across the "Quad" today and saw an ugly fire hydrant.  It was moldy green and gold.  I am talking U.G.L.Y., You Ain't Got No Alibi, You're Ugly, Fire Hydrant!  I just happened to have these magical shoes on my feet and suddenly, an idea hit me!  

I got these friends together (plus a lot more) and we talked about the possibilities.  Now, I was truly all about some tie dye on this precious piece of metal.  After a vote with 1st-5th grade, the Gumball Machine won out!


I loved this random project.  I had the kids decide what to do with the fire hydrant.  After school, several different aged kids came over and helped with the dots.  The fire hydrant project was a team effort and gave the kids ownership.  Also, they loved watching the process as the hours passed.

Sometimes, you just got to roll with stuff.  Look around and see if you have find something to make pretty.  If not, well get you some of those magical shoes.

Fire Hydrant on Fire at The Westfield School!


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