Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Soft Serve, Please!

The ice cream project was done by the 5th graders.  I had the flu for a week!  The sub started this lesson. 

Mrs. Fisher had the kids draw and paint the ice cream cones with tempera cakes.  Have you noticed that 5th graders hate tempera cakes?  They are a great sub material, tho!

When I returned, I liked the ice cream cones.  I thought they needed a bit of chalk pastel on them.  I do not like chalk pastel, but some kid may love them.  So, I pull out the chalk pastels.
I pretty much told the kids to have at it!

They did and WOW!  ❤ the results!


What a great song!  John Cougar sings, "Suckin' on chilli dog outside the Tastee Freeze"  Tastee Freeze had some awesome ice cream cones, y'all.  Ever heard of Tastee Freez?  Click HERE for the Tastee Freez website!

I am planning on visiting a Tastee Freez this summer!  I live in Georgia, so I will be taking a ride.  I am looking forward to the soft serve ice cream as a reward!


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