Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Ellsworth Kelly Part 2-First Grade

I introduced the 1st grade artists to Ellsworth Kelly last week.  If you are interested in our other Ellsworth Kelly posts, click below.

Ellsworth Kelly 2nd Grade
Ellsworth Kelly Fourth Grade

Week 1- The kids made a painting with lines using tempera cakes.
Week 2-The kids picked out a piece of colored construction paper.
The kids tore their Week 1 art into pieces.
The kids randomly placed the torn paper on the piece of colored construction paper with a glue stick.

I used this lesson to teach the kids about lines.  They learned how to choose construction paper to compliment their artwork.  Also, I talked a little about balance.  Another important detail involved in the project was the use of a glue stick.

Simple project, but feel like the kids gained valuable knowledge that can be used in the upcoming year.

Have a look!

At the beginning of the year, I encourage students to talk to teach other in art class.  I try to get the new students to connect with the "old" students.  My job is to help make the new kids feel welcome.  School is much more fun with friends.

Here is Jack White singing about friends.


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