Monday, January 4, 2016

New year time to GROW in 2016!

As we move into our new year of teaching, I am going to grow by using more Essential Questions and teaching more units with Understanding By Design. Below are some resources to help me grow in my teaching style and here is a link to one of my Pinterest Boards for you to grow on along with me!
(Taken from Facebook Art Teachers Group)

Shayne Train (HS) -
Katie K (K-4) -
Kellie_D (K-5) -
Jean Nickel (K-7) -
Donald Peters (9-12) -
Lisa RD (K-6)
Amanda Kabat (9-12)
Rachel Lowe (PreK-5)
Debra Troyanos (7-12)
Kelsey Lapin (K-4)
Suzette Morrow 6-12
Kimberly Daniel 6-8
Kimberly Daniel and Karen Ray PK-12 Art Education and Ideas

Art Blog Listings

 (Taken from Facebook Art Teachers Group)

High School

Middle School

(Taken from Facebook Art Teachers Group)

Compiled by the Elementary Art Teachers of the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District

This list is the result of web search and brainstorm session.  We organized them by our curriculum’s units: What is Art?, How is Art Created?, and Why is Art Important?  Please excuse all typos, poorly worded questions and redundancies. Thank you!

*All questions marked with an asterisk are taken directly from the new National Core Arts Standards (NCAS) Online Handbook… the standards are Creating, Presenting, Responding and Connecting.


*How are artworks cared for and by whom? What criteria, methods, and processes are used to select work for preservation or presentation? Why do people value objects, artifacts, and artworks, and select them for presentation? (NCAS Presenting)

*What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation? How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer? What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection? (NCAS Presenting)

*What is an art museum? How does the presenting and sharing of objects, artifacts, and artworks influence and shape ideas, beliefs, and experiences? How do objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented, cultivate appreciation and understanding? (NCAS Presenting)

How are art and science connected?

How are art and math connected?

How are art and literacy connected?

Why is some art famous?

How can you tell if art is “good”?

Can anything be art?

How is the value of art determined?

How should people look at art?

How should people talk about art?

Why does art change over time?

In what ways does art stay the same over time?

Why does art persist over time?

How does art change over time?

How is art the same/different around the world?

What is commercial art?

Is everyone an artist? Can anyone be an artist?

What is imagination?

What is creativity?

Why do some artists make abstract art?

How are artists like authors?

How are artists like chefs?

How are artists like dancers?

How are artists like scientists?

How are artists like engineers?

How are artists like teachers?

How are artists like politicians?

What does it mean to have a vision?

How old is art?

Can someone be “bad at art”?

Can animals make art?

How do you “read” (interpret) an artwork?

Who is an artist?

Where can we find art?

What do you like/dislike about art?

Why are some artists famous?

Why do people make art?

Why do certain themes reoccur in art?

What makes art “great”?


*What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking? What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks? How does collaboration expand the creative process? (NCAS Creating)

*How does knowing the contexts histories, and traditions of art forms help us create works of art and design? Why do artists follow or break from established traditions? How do artists determine what resources and criteria are needed to formulate artistic investigations? (NCAS Creating)

*How do artists work? How do artists and designers determine whether a particular direction in their work is effective? How do artists and designers learn from trial and error? (NCAS Creating)

*How do artists and designers care for and maintain materials, tools, and equipment? Why is it important for safety and health to understand and follow correct procedures in handling materials, tools, and equipment? What responsibilities come with the freedom to create? (NCAS Creating)

*How do objects, places, and design shape lives and communities? How do artists and designers determine goals for designing or redesigning objects, places, or systems? How do artists and designers create works of art or design that effectively communicate? (NCAS Creating)

*What role does persistence play in revising, refining, and developing work? How do artists grow and become accomplished in art forms? How does collaboratively reflecting on a work help us experience it more completely? (NCAS Creating)

*How do life experiences influence the way you relate to art? How does learning about art impact how we perceive the world? What can we learn from our responses to art? (NCAS Responding)

*What is an image? Where and how do we encounter images in our world? How do images influence our views of the world? (NCAS Responding)

* What is the value of engaging in the process of art criticism? How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text? How does knowing and using visual art vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art? (NCAS Responding)

*How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art? How and why might criteria vary? How is a personal preference different from an evaluation? (NCAS Responding)

How do artists use technology?

Why are there different art media?

What is the difference between folk art and fine art?

How does a person become an artist?

How do artists collaborate?

Why do artists collaborate?

What does it mean to be inspired?

How do artists get inspired?

How can an artist tell when an artwork is complete?

What is an artist’s style?

Why are there different styles of art?

How does an artist generate ideas?

How is art the same/different around the world?

How do artists improve their work?

What is the artistic process?

What are artistic habits of mind?

Does “practice make perfect”?

How do artists solve problems?

How do artists critique their work?

How do artists use color in their art?

How do artists use line?

How do artists use shape?

How do artists use texture?

How do artists use value?

How do artists use space?

How do artists use form?

How do artists create emphasis in their art?

How do artists create rhythm?

How do artists create balance?

How do artists create contrast?

How do artists create movement?

How do artists create unity?

How do artists create variety?

How do you develop/strengthen creativity?

How do artists use their imagination to enhance their art?

What is the difference between “copying” and “being inspired by” someone?

How does an artist’s culture impact their art?

How does an artist’s life impact their art?

How do colors express emotion? (lines, color, texture, value, form…)

How do you compare/contrast artists?

How do you compare/contrast artwork?

Which habits of mind does an artist need to succeed?

What kinds of things are used to make art?

How do you use art supplies?

How do you learn different ways to make art?

What inspires you?

Where do artists get ideas?

What choices do artists make before creating a work of art?

Why are there so many different ways to make art?

How does technology impact art?

How do artists choose tools, techniques and materials to make art?

Why is it important to reflect upon your artwork?

How do artists reflect upon their art?


* How does engaging in creating art enrich people's lives? How does making art attune people to their surroundings? How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and the lives of their communities through art-making? (NCAS Connecting)

*How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? How is art used to impact the views of a society? How does art preserve aspects of life? (NCAS Connecting)

How do artists… help people see the world in a new way?

How do artists …bring dreams to life?

How do artists …communicate ideas without words?

How do artists…capture a moment in history?

How do artists…tell stories?

How do artists…express emotions?

How do artists…invent something new?

How do artists…surprise you?

How do artists…celebrate people, places and things?

How do artists…change your mind?

How do artists…clarify complicated ideas?

How do artists…practice religion through their art?

How do artists…document life?

How do artists…create beauty?

How do artists…change your mood?

How do artists…inspire you?

How do artists…make you think?

Why do all cultures create art?

What can you learn about a culture through its art?

Why are museums important?

How does art impact everyday life?

How does creating art make you smarter?

How does looking at/thinking about/talking about art make you smarter?

How does art bring people together?

Why is art class taught in school?

Why is it important to learn about art history?

How does art teach us about history?

How does art teach us about…ourselves?

How does art teach us about…our world?

How does art teach us about…nature?

How can doodling help you learn?

How can we protect art?

Why does art need to be protected? What dangers does art face?

Why is art essential to a 21st century learner?

 Very Inspired to be GLIDING into 2016 with all of these wonderful resources, inspirations and connections ...Social Media does a fabulous job of connecting educators. Thank you to all who are willing to share on the web and to Kyle and Cathy for sharing and brainstorming with me at Maclay School! Can't wait to see what all 2016 brings. I am choosing JOY this year!
*Vintage glider was given some TLC by my father and gifted to us for Christmas =)
The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units (Professional Development)
Yes, this is my muse for planning my new units!


  1. WOW! This is an excellent compilation of information -essential for every art teacher! Thank you for sharing! We had to enter these essential questions into our curriculum maps a couple of years ago, this would have been very helpful. Love your blog-so many great ideas & resources!! -Michelle

    1. Thanks, Michelle! If you have Facebook join the Art Teachers page. I find so many good ideas there. Glad you like the blog. We have a little of everything that keeps it interesting. Hope your 2016 is off to a great start!
