Friday, September 18, 2015

#TRUEBLUEMACLAY, Middle School Art Lesson

Thanks, Amy over at I ran across your stained glass warm and cool color lesson and it really inspired me to get my kids cracking on something like your way super cool lesson!

So, I did. I had the kids use 6 x 4.5 " drawing paper. We just cut our 9 x12 heavy drawing paper in 1/2. We traced our Marauder Head school logo. A couple of kids wanted to free hand it and that was just fine too. I think they like using the light table to trace, becasue we rarely ever get to do that in our busy curriculum.

Once the mascot head was complete we then used a ruler to draw like 5 horizontal lines. Then I had the kids write out social media #hashtag / tag line  #TRUEBLUEMACLAY over and over on the ruler lines until they ran out of room. this created positive and negative spaces in the composition. Each organic shape could then be colored in a shade of blue.
We chose a monochromatic color scheme. Our main school color is blue. so we used different tint, tones and shades of blue to complete the lesson.
They used colored pencils and Sharpie.
Monochromatic was our goal in a color scheme
We were doing the same color as the #hashtag 
This was a definitely a step by step project, but it did turn out nice results.
Capitalized letters work better. It breaks up the positive and negative shapes.
The above is a "Demo" that I had ready for the kids to look at and understand the steps.
I try to have a flyer for each lesson with specifics details on what is expected for each art unit taught in class. The results were really unique and fun to watch unfold in art class. Yes, I am so glad I am on the #TRUEBLUEMACLAY "BUS" as it helped inspire my art lesson!
Happy Friday!

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