Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bobo the Potter

Here is just a little post about Bobo (& "GA", too) - this photo says it all! Nothing better than seeing a grandpa take up time and show a grandchild or a grandchild's friend how to fish or throw pottery! It does a mom's heart good to see this! Yes, I do believe 1965 and 1969 owe a good portion of our creativity to BOBO (aka...our Dad) Which brings me to my next question.....Is CREATIVITY learned or Innate?

Let's see…there are lots of blog post and literature out there online on this very topic.  In my undergraduate Art Education classes at UGA (GOOOOOO DAWGS)- we would debate this topic over and over and over again. You get the point!  We did the same at West Georgia while I was pursing my Masters of Art Education.  But I am here to tell you…I just flat out think a good portion of creativity is in ya’ blood.  Being raised in the south…as a Georgia Peach, I must admit, I grew up watching both of my parents think outside of the box.  Sis #1965, can attest to the fact that our mom – she can draw! Yeah, baby…she always had us involved in some craft growing up.  We grew up in a small town (not one red light or fast-food restaurant…not kiddin’- we had a "Turk Burger" located uptown in Butler, GA - Or - a "Dealer Burger" joint located downtown in Reynolds, GA -YUMMO - good 'ole comfort food....I know, I know, side story - I must focus on the post!), but our mama always found us really cool stuff to do.  We took art classes with Miss Mavis Stevens in Bulter, Georgia.  I Googled her not to long ago and she is still in doin’ art.Click here to see!

Our dad, yep, he is eaten up with the artsy~ farties also. For those of you that know the family….he got a lot of his creativity from his very own mama our Mama Marion…hee hee. My sis and I sure do love red cowboy boots like her! Anywhooooo….Bobo as he is now known to the grand kids – he can throw some pottery on the wheel. Thanks to Jim Weber his teacher...years ago at Clay Shapers!

A few of my thoughts on creativity:  We learn ways of thinking and doing from an early age. We learn what is acceptable and what is outside of acceptable behavior. Highly creative people are often seen as rebels and mavericks because they question traditions and rules. (ha, been there done that on a few occasions! Haven’t you all you right brained creative folks reading this blog????) 
(Bobo's Studio in Perry, GA - Above in photo)
I guess this is a "SHOUT OUT" to Bobo and GA for ALWAYS encouraging our Creative Spirits! We couldn't have asked for better parents!

The definition of CREATIVITY:  Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing. n.  One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.
cre·a'tive·ly adv., cre'a·tiv'i·ty (-ĭ-tē), cre·a'tive·ness n.

xoxo, 1969


  1. I am SPEECHLESS and can hardly get over the goose bumps that are going over my body!!! It is so good to be remembered after all these years!!

    I was going to settle in for the night and watch a movie, but now I'm going to GO TO MY STUDIO AND MAKE SOMETHING!!! You've made my night MY WEEK AND MONTH!!

  2. if we just had a TURK burger to go with that movie! We would all be set! Kim, 1969

  3. wow...i miss my partner in your are sooooooo darn creative...when i grow up i want to be just like you...barry
